Residential elevators in Roslyn, NY

Are stairs becoming a challenge? Reach full access of your home and eliminate the risk of falls. Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators provide a safe and reliable solution without the major fuss of pre-constructing a shaft, pit or machine room. With three models to choose from, ranging from a single passenger to the three passenger wheelchair accessible model, these elevators simply rest on the existing floor, offering more flexibility and the optimizing space within your home. Don’t relocate…ELEVATE!

Ease of installation

As a licensed and insured contractor, Custom Renovators of NY can provide you with full service from design, location and installation of this state of the art residential elevator. Typical installations of a vacuum elevator take 2 to 3 days to complete with little fuss or mess. Pre-construction is simple and easy.  

Why choose a Pneumatic Vacuum Elevator?

  • Safety and reliability 
  • Modern panoramic see-thru design
  • Low maintenance (unlike conventional elevators) 
  • Minimal pre-construction and small footprint
  • Ideal for existing and new homes
  • Quick installation
  • Minimal energy consumption

Get in touch with our team to explore options and pricing today!

Choose Your Model

Residential Elevators Manhasset NY


  • Single passenger elevator
  • 350 lbs lift capacity (159 kg)
  • External cylinder diameter: 30 inches (750 mm)30 ft/min traveling speed
  • Aluminum & polycarbonate structure
  • Automatic interior LED lighting and fan
  • In-line door openings
Vacuum Elevators Manhasset NY


  • Two passenger elevator
  • 450 lbs lift capacity (205 kg)
  • External cylinder diameter: 37 inches (950 mm)30 ft/min traveling speed
  • Aluminum & polycarbonate structure
  • Automatic interior LED lighting and fan
  • In-line, walk-through and 90° door openings
  • *Limitations with 90° Door Openings


  • Three passenger elevator
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • 525 lbs lift capacity (238 kg)
  • External cylinder diameter: 52 11/16 inches(1,338 mm)
  • 20 ft/min traveling speed
  • Aluminum & polycarbonate structure
  • Automatic interior LED lighting and fan
  • In-line and walk-through door openings